Co-opting the Alternative

Pynchon may be documenting the end of a specific era in American life in Inherent Vice, but there is a universal resonance in his description in which the mainstream co-opts…

Slipping into Solipsism

Rand Paul strapped on a pair of opaque ideological blinders when he posited that Eric Garner died because of taxes. Seriously, he must have matching black holes swirling two inches…

Church is cheaper than…

You’d think, here in the South, churches would not have to resort to sad and desperate messages to bring in the flock. But on a church sign, between Houston and…

Thoughts like Fish

Many awesome passages percolate up from the thick tome that is Roberto Bolaño’s The Savage Detectives (Picador Edition). “…[S]trange ideas would come to my head. Ideas that were like dead…

Cliven Bundy – Welfare Queen

We have finally found the fabled Welfare Queen, first postulated in the Reagan Era, but only now has its existence been confirmed. And it was an easy discovery since this…

Attention to the Next Generation

A great line from Evelyn Waugh, said by a doctor no less, Dr. Puttock: “Some people even think that a disproportionate attention is given to the next generation.” (The End…

A War on “Casual Violence”

Let be known on this date, and for ten years hereafter, the phrase “casual violence” is heretofore stricken from usage in the English-speaking world. No longer will embryonic Nabokovs carry…

David Backes is…

The lopsided loss that unceremoniously dumped the USA Hockey Team from the 2014 Olympics was unfortunate (although being a fan of Kari Lehtonen, I confess to some ambivalence), but at…